How It Works

Program Overview

Consistency in getting security awareness training and information in front of employees is important - that's why our program has virtual escape room training throughout the year.

But it also has to be reasonable - employees are busy and need to focus on their jobs. Doing security awareness training daily is simply too much. We've found training on a quarterly basis to be both effective and reasonable.

All Company Team Play

Our all company team play is designed to occur once per year. This competition is company wide with large groups of employees competing virtually in our escape rooms. Since gathering all, or at least most, employees together, even virtually, at the same time is difficult, all company team play is designed to occur once per year. Those who miss that training can complete it on their own at a later date.

Small Group Play

The other 3 quarters are small group play. Small groups can be individuals or up to 6 people, but these are designed where employees can go straight to the portal and compete with their times recorded in a quarterly ranking.

All Company Team Play (Once Per Year)

Step 1: Log Into Web Conferencing

Employees join our web conferencing solution (500 employee limit per session). Over 500 employees, multiple sessions will be performed.

Step 2: Move To Break Out Rooms

Everyone is moved to their assigned team breakout rooms.

Step 3: Log Into Escape Room

Teams then log into the Escape Room portal.

Step 4: Learn and Compete

With training, can your team puzzle your way to escape?

Go back up | Program Overview | See How Small Group Play Works

Small Group Play (3 Times Per Year)

Step 1: Log Into Escape Room

Teams (1 or more people) assemble and log into the Escape Room portal.

Step 2: Learn and Compete

With training, can your team puzzle your way to escape?

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